About Us


We are a community of people who are proud to be God's Creation. We believe that we are special and unique, made in the image of our Creator. We are also humbled by the fact that God loves us unconditionally and has a plan for our lives.

We are passionate about sharing our joy and excitement about being God's children with others. We believe that everyone should know that they are loved and valued by God.

We believe that when we come together, we can create a world that is more loving, compassionate, and just.

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire people to embrace their identity as God's Creation and to live out their purpose in the world. We believe that everyone has something unique to offer, and we want to help people discover and use their gifts to make a difference.

Our Values

Love: We believe that God loves us unconditionally, and we want to share that love with others.
Community: We believe that we are stronger together, and we want to create a community where people can feel loved and accepted.
Purpose: We believe that everyone has a purpose in life, and we want to help people discover and fulfill their purpose.
Action: We believe that it is important to take action to make the world a better place.

Pride as God's Creation

We believe that it is important to be proud of who we are as God's creation. We are special and unique, made in the image of our Creator. We are also loved unconditionally by God.

When we are proud of our identity as God's children, we are more likely to live out our purpose in the world. We are more likely to be loving, compassionate, and just. We are also more likely to be open to God's guidance and to use our gifts to make a difference.

We encourage you to embrace your identity as God's creation and to be proud of who you are. You are special and unique, and God loves you unconditionally.